Odd One Out


Which is the odd one out?

Fast Facts

  1. Chameleon - Chameleon Facts

  2. Southern Boobook Owl - Southern BooBook Facts

  3. Bay Scallop - Doughboy Scallop Facts

  4. Orange Nectar Bat - Adelaide Flying Fox Bats


How Do Different Animals See?

Watch: What is Echolocation via BBC Earth

Echolocation allows animals to build up an understanding of their surroundings but how does it work?.

Read: How do other animals see the world? and Amazing eyes: 17 vision champions via via Natural History Museum


How Animals See The World via Brightside

Scallops: There is more to the humble scallop than meets the eye!


South Australian Museum

North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000.

The South Australian Museum has been committed to making Australia’s natural and cultural heritage accessible, engaging and fun for over 165 years.